What comes to mind when you hear the word 'meditation'? Do you envisage an ancient yogi sitting in lotus pose on a mountain top in a far away place, for hours on end chanting the mantra "om"? If so, read on as it may surprise you to find out how far away that image is. Meditation is as useful in today's world as it's ever been and it may be more easily achieved that you think.
A once unfamiliar concept in the west, meditation is being talked about more and more and is growing in popularity as the proven benefits to our mental and emotional well-being are more widely reported.
Meditation, or Dhyana as it's referred to in the yogic tradition involves both concentration and awareness. Being present in each moment, learning to focus the attentions of the mind to achieve balance, patience and inner peace. A chance to choose 'what is' rather than 'react' to the happenings in the world around us.
There are many reasons to practice meditation: to quiet the chatter in the mind, de-clutter the many thoughts we have each day, create positive space in our life, calm down and relax... the healing benefits are many but it takes time to fully appreciate how meditation can work for us but we can all do it and begin somewhere.
Just five minutes of mindfulness meditation or yoga a day is enough to help improve mood, boost brain function, control anxiety, sleep better, reduce stress, decrease blood pressure, control pain, enhance self awareness, help with addiction and support a healthy metabolism. It can even help us to generate loving kindness towards ourselves and others. What is not to like?
It may be for you that walking the dog, gardening or doing a puzzle is your meditation. There is no wrong way, the more we meditate the better the planet will be.
Unlock the power of meditation
Sometimes we need a little help to 'set the scene'. Finding quiet in the mind is not easy to achieve. Shifting your focus onto one thing helps, the breath is a good place to start, or releasing the body with some yoga. But so too is the spoken word. Find a comfortable place to rest and tune-in to these guided, mindfulness meditations. Enjoyed best through headphones.